2024 Posters

CANNT 2024 with CANSW

Poster Details

*abstract and author details to be posted shortly


P103 Identifying barriers and misconceptions to routine nursing foot care assessment in the hemodialysis unit
P104 Implementation Strategies for Evidenced-Based Interventions in Renal Transplantation Care: A Scoping Review Protocol
P105 Use of U/S technology in Satellite units
P106 The Role of the Vascular Access Coordinator in a Vascular clinic
P107 Addressing the information needs of dialysis patients and their families within a complex continuing care setting
P108 Prioritizing the education and training needs of hemodialysis nurses: A mixed method study
P109 Nursing-led education for new hemodialysis patient orientation
P110 Title: Efficacy of real-time Kt/v measurement, nursing awareness and patient adherence

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Bronze Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor