CNEPH(C) Certification

Achieving this credential requires a commitment to our nursing specialty group, and a desire to be the best you can! Ongoing CNA certification demonstrates that you’re committed to an advanced standard of professional competence and have a comprehensive understanding of our nursing specialty.

Congratulations to all our members who received their CNEPH(C) certification in 2018

Initial Certification

Eva Bedard
Megan Carter
Pardeep Grewal
Marlene Johnson
Tracey Mackay
Andrea McTavish
Mia Maris Ortiz
Heather Paes


Kelly Booth
Margaret D’Andrea
Nancy Eaton
Manuela Felsberg
Kathy Forbes
Kathleen Gerrior
Cheryl Kalupar
Karen Louise Macdonald
Susan McMurray
Monique Moore
Susan Nickum
Lilla Ploszaj
Dianne Vinet
Sherry Weel