Journal Description
CANNT Journal is a quarterly publication that showcases excellence in nephrology nursing and technological writing through peer-reviewed articles that examine current issues and trends in nephrology nursing and technological practice, education, and research. CANNT Journal is the official journal of the Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technologists and supports the association’s mission to serve its membership by advancing the development of nephrology nursing and technological knowledge. The journal is indexed in MEDLINE and CINAHL.
The CANNT Journal is now open access and is available online.
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CANNT has hardcopy CANNT Journal subscriptions available for libraries and institutions. Contact for more information.
within Canada: $80.00 + applicable taxes
United States: $90.00 CAD
outside North America $115.00 CAD
* The CANNT Journal is published quarterly, no other membership benefits apply with this subscription. Libraries can apply for membership by contacting the CANNT National Office at
CANNT Journal welcomes manuscripts related to nephrology nursing and technological education, practice, research, or health policy. The manuscript must be the sole intellectual property of the authors. Once accepted, manuscripts become the permanent property of CANNT Journal, and may not be reproduced elsewhere without written permission from the publisher.
We prefer manuscripts that present new clinical information or address issues of special interest to nephrology nurses and technologists. In particular, we are looking for:
- Original research reports
- Relevant clinical articles
- Innovative quality improvement reports
- Narratives that describe the nursing experience
- Interdisciplinary practice questions and answers
- Literature or systematic reviews
We also encourage letters to the editor as a way to promote dialogue and alternative perspectives to articles published in CANNT Journal.
Submission of the article implies that the work described has not been published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or a published lecture), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and responsible authorities where the research was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the copyright holder. Upon acceptance of submitted material, the author(s) transfer copyright ownership to CANNT Journal. Statements and opinions contained within the work remain the responsibility of the author(s).
CANNT Journal operates on a double-blind peer review process. The names of the reviewers will not be disclosed to the author(s) submitting the manuscript, and the name(s) of the author(s) will not be disclosed to the reviewers.
All contributions will be initially assessed by the editors for suitability for the journal. Manuscripts deemed suitable are sent to two independent expert reviewers to assess the quality of the paper. A manuscript will only be sent for review if the editors determine that the paper meets the appropriate quality and relevance requirements in keeping with the particular aim and scope of CANNT Journal.
The editors are responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. Editors are not involved in decisions about papers which they have written themselves or have been written by family members or colleagues or which relate to products or services in which the editor has an interest. All manuscript submissions are subject to the journal’s usual independent peer review process.
The criteria for acceptance for all manuscripts include the quality and originality of the research or intellectual material, its significance/appeal to journal readership, and the general writing style.
The following components are required for all submissions. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revisions before undergoing peer review.
The manuscript should be submitted in separate files in the following order: title page; abstract with key words; main text including references; and figures/tables. A cover letter may be supplied at the authors’ discretion.
Title page:
- Title of the manuscript (concise and informative)
- Short running title of fewer than 40 characters
- Full names, highest academic degrees, and affiliations of all authors with email address and telephone/fax number of corresponding author
- Authors’ institutional affiliations (department, institution, city, country) where research work was conducted
- Any acknowledgements (including disclosure of funding), credits, or disclaimers, conflict of interest statement for all authors
Abstract and key words:
Submit structured or summary abstract of up to 250 words. Word limit includes headers in a structured abstract (e.g., background, purpose, method, findings, and discussion).
The abstract should be a succinct summary of the major issue, problem, or topic being addressed, and the findings and/or conclusions in the manuscript. It should not duplicate material in the main text. It should not contain subheadings, abbreviations, or reference citations.
Provide up to eight key words that describe the contents of the manuscript.
Main Text:
- Maximum length 15-20 pages, double-spaced
- Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition (copyright 2020) for style and format guidelines.
- As manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed, the main text should not include any information that might identify the authors. Therefore, do not include any identifying information (i.e., authors’ names).
- Number all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner.
- Cite tables/figures consecutively.
- Be sure to approve or remove all tracking changes in your Word document before uploading.
- Use only sources from credible and high-quality journal.
- Double-spaced at the end of the manuscript
- Citations and reference list is to be styled according to the APA 7th edition (copyright 2020).
- Provide URL for all references where available.
- Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
- Submit each table or figure as a separate file, and as editable text and not as an image.
- Prepare tables/figures according to APA 7th edition (copyright 2020).
- Cite tables/figures consecutively in the text, and number them in that order. Do not embed tables/figures in the manuscript text file.
- Number table and figure consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place the title of the table/figure and any table/figure notes below the table/figure body.
- Use tables sparingly and ensure that the data presented in them clarify and supplement, rather than duplicate, results described in the main text. Only tables that are 3 manuscript pages or shorter will be accepted to be published within the article.
- Authors using previously published tables and figures must include written permission from the original publisher. Such permission must be attached to the submitted manuscript.
Once the submission materials have been prepared in accordance with instructions in “Preparing the Submission” above, manuscripts must be submitted online at:
New users must click “Register” at the upper right of the page. Once logged in, select “Submissions” from the “About” dropdown.
There are three stages of manuscript review prior to the final decision about the article’s status for publication.
Preliminary | Preliminary review by the editors to determine the suitability of the article for peer review. The editors assess all manuscript presentation requirements including style and format of the manuscript. |
Editorial peer review | The peer review process determines scholarly merit of the article. All manuscripts are reviewed by two members of the Editorial Review Panel. The acceptance criteria for all papers lie in the quality and originality of the work and its significance to journal readership. Manuscripts are only sent to reviewers if the editors determine that the paper merits further review. |
Determination of eligibility for publication | After the peer review, the editors make a decision regarding the eligibility of the article for selection based on the comments and recommendations of the reviewers. Based on the peer review evaluation, the editors make one of the following decisions:
Corresponding authors will receive a PDF proof of the article. The page proof should be carefully proofread for any copyediting or typesetting errors. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that there are no errors in the proofs. Authors should also make sure that any renumbered tables, figures, or references match text citations and that figure legends correspond with text citations and actual figures. Proofs must be returned within the deadline specified by the editors.
Alterations to the proof that are beyond those required to correct errors or to answer queries, or are a reworking of previously accepted material will not be allowed. The editors reserve the right to deny any changes that do not affect the accuracy of the content.
The corresponding author will receive a hard copy of the journal issue as well as a PDF copy of the article.
If accepted, your article must not be published elsewhere in similar form, in any language, without the consent of the publisher. You may not post the PDF file of your copyedited article, or your final published article in any repository or online social media site.
Authors of accepted peer-reviewed articles have the choice to pay a fee to allow perpetual unrestricted online access to their published article to readers globally, immediately upon publication. This option has no influence on the peer review process. All manuscripts are subject to the CANNT Journal’s standard double-blinded peer-review process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit.
The article processing charge of $250.00 is charged on acceptance of the manuscript and should be paid within 5 days by the author(s). Payment must be processed for the article to be published open access.
At the time of manuscript submission, authors should disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest, which includes any financial interest or relationship that might be perceived as influencing the author’s objectivity. The existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude publication. Authors must also declare if they have no conflict of interest to declare. Sources of funding should be included on the title page under the heading “Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding.” Each author must complete and submit the journal’s copyright transfer agreement, which includes a section on the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest.
At the time of submission, the submitting author will be presented with the copyright transfer and conflict of interest form. Co-authors will receive an email with instructions to also complete the form in order to proceed with the review process.
Co-Editors-in-Chief, Jovina Bachynski and Rosa Marticorena