Terms of Reference
1. CANNT presents this award to the author or the authors of the best peer reviewed article to appear in the CANNT Journal during the year.
2. The recipient receives a certificate in recognition and $500.00 prize.
3. The evaluation of the journal articles is the responsibility of the Journal Editor and the CANNT Journal Manuscript Award Evaluation Committee.
4. A CANNT Journal Award Evaluation Committee of 6 CANNT members will be appointed by the CANNT Journal Editor from the membership at the beginning of the award year. The Committee will be representative of both the technical and nursing disciplines, the different CANNT regions, the different renal replacement therapy modalities, and the different readership interests. One member of the Committee must be bilingual in English and French.
5. The Award shall usually be presented annually, but, if in the opinion of the Awards Committee, no suitable candidate is available, the Award shall not be awarded. A maximum of one award shall be given in any fiscal year.
6. The recipient(s) is not required to give an address or paper, but the awards will be announced, and the awardee(s) recognized at the Annual Meeting of the Association.
7. The amendment of the Terms of Reference is the responsibility of the Association. The terms of reference should be reviewed every five years.