CANNT Awards Descriptions and Application Form

These awards and bursaries are given to members in good standing, for educational or research purposes related to the advancement of nephrology and/or the professional development of the member. Members may apply for more than one bursary per year, but will only be able to be the recipient of one award per year. Members cannot win the same award in consecutive years.

All awards are subject to obtaining funding.

Educational Bursaries Terms of Reference 

The Frances Boutilier Bursary for a registered nurse pursuing continuing education at the baccalaureate level ($2000)

The CANNT Technical Bursary for technical members ($2000) subject to funding

The Franca Tantalo Bursary for a registered nurse studying at the graduate level ($2000) subject to funding

CANNT Research Grant Terms of Reference 

The Research Grant is for a member conducting a research project in the advancement of nephrology practice to the value of $3000 subject to funding

Specialized Grants Terms of Reference 

Nursing Research Project Grant– Novice Researcher (minor project), to the value of $2,000 subject to funding

Nursing Research Grant – Experienced Researcher (major project), to the value of $4,000 subject to funding

Nephrology Preceptorship/Mentorship Grant – Nurse Practitioner, Vascular Access, Nursing Outreach, to the value of $3,000 subject to funding

Nephrology Technological Practice Grant, to the value of $2,000 subject to funding

Allied Health Professionals Grant, to the value of $2,000 subject to funding

CANNT Recognition Awards Terms of Reference 

 CANNT recognizes and celebrates excellence of members through the annual Excellence in Practice Awards Program. This program is open to all CANNT members in good standing. Nominations are accepted for the following categories:

  • Clinical Practice
  • Technological Practice
  • Administrative/ Leadership
  • Research
  • Education
  • Mentorship
  • Novice